the solution...
I never want to be homeless ever again in my life. So I am trying to set things up, with money, with my career, a way so that my safety net is in place. The whole experience, from eviction, to cot, to bed, to "you're not workin the program" to growling dogs in filthy portables sleeping on mats and blankets like children on sleep over, it's too much. It's emotionally demeaning and physically exhausting. It has taken it's toll. While it may have sparked a rebirth of creative genius, I have composed an album of new music, titled " the blues " by rodger pegues, it has left me void of spirit and adrift in a sea of my own isolation.
Talking to others, talking to friends this overlooked comunication excersise.grounds us in consensus reality. Loners, people with few friends that walk alone talking to themsleves. People like me. After so long they begin to lose touch with reality.
So what is the ultimate plan....?
I thought I would go back to school (at 59....and ...what...?) and get my BA in Networking. I've used all of my working retraining funds up and I have no more after having some academic setbacks...the only funding I can get would be from Work Source, from Trac Associates, so I went there to check that funding out. But if not, then I can't go to school. So if having that credential is not gonna happen then I need to find a way to audit classes or something just to be there with that I can do my crypto-mining research and polish up on my computer skills for employment. After going today and learning that I have used up all of my funding because I have a poor record of academic progress, I'm not sure of the best course to proceed on this mission.
I'm trying to hold out for an apartment from CEA (coordinated entry for all) . I want a subsidized apartment in downtown Seattle. I can't rent a room because I'm too old and have too much stuff to invade someone else's space. That's what renting a room is: it's invading another's space for a cost. Most rented rooms are furnished, meaning pay me to live in a room where I store my extra furniture. I need an empty room, or an apartment and I'm gonna hold out and wait for one.
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