more on Shelter hours and social control...

Sunday service at APCC is always a breath of fresh air. The congregation is made up of some really nice people like the kind of grandparents that were quirky and liberal in the mold of Howard Zen. After attending the "Black Church" all my life (which is really more of a political institution than a spiritual one) at this stage I just want a spiritual community of all people of all races, of all gender identities, this is what we have at APCC.

Tomorrow is my Monday food bank volunteer day. The people, the other volunteers,
the young university students, they are all super. Understand, anytime people can come together and join a cause, mission or movement greater than themselves spiritual magic can happen.

I'm having some problems at the Blaine Shelter with respect to providing them with the work documentation they require. Working shelter guest must show proof that they have been duly authorized by an employer (Master) to occupy public space in Seattle after-dark. I will never ask my Amazon manager for a note proving I was a work during a given time...that is demeaning and shows a lack of respect for my dignity as a man! Now I also have care provider duties with Andrea, my girlfriend. The shelter asked that her Dr.send a note explaining that she needs a care provider and that I am one of her care providers. We did that. The shelter workers are actually not only calling to verify the authenticity of the Dr. letter, they are going to question him "does she require him until 1AM?"
How would he know? They would need to ask Andrea....but since she's Black and poor her opinion doesn't matter.

They have a form of punishment (whipping) for those clients (slaves) not in compliance (uppity, self-determinate, freemen)  with Shelter rules they have the "CNO". A " consequence night out" is what happened to me the night I was refused entry. Since that particular shelter worker hadn't received the update that I care provide for my signfgant other  until 1pm in the morning (she has an apartment at the YWCA's Opportunity Place on 3rd Ave, I take care of her, cook and clean for her. I shower and keep my computer and a change of clothes there.), he punished me by denying me entry for that night. In this way, I learned my lesson that I need to be in before dark without my Master's written approval, while freezing in my car and drinking bottomless coffee at the Lost Lake CafĂ© all night.

During slavery, slaves could not travel freely without having , at the ready, a pass, note, letter, or an authorizing document. 400 years later, in our present system of economic slavery, the planners and engineers of social control, similarly, at the Blaine Shelter where I "live" , require that shelter guest (slaves) show proof of authorized work during the hours which we occupy public space at night. Remember as a child (slave), you had to be home before the street lights came on...

I'm not a slave. I'm a man. I work for rodger pegues. I therefore assert that as a self-employed individual I only need me to authorize myself! The Blaine Shelter will let me keep my self-respect, my manhood and my dignity...but not on their premises!!!

If I want freedom, self-determination, freedom of thought of travel, I can have a tent.


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